How networks are changing the forms of the collective in cities: Social life collectivized by networks is organized in other ways

How networks are changing the forms of the collective in cities

Social life collectivized by networks is organized in other ways



citizenship, information and communication, technologies, collaborationism sharing


The paper discusses the implications networks in the contemporary world in the light of new spaces of action. Social life collectivized by networks is organized in other ways. The study is considering a new vision of the concept of citizenship understood in a new team dynamic by analyzing the influence of networks reflected in the power of speech, thought and interconnection of social relations.  The current set of these expressions of collective behavior defines the contours of our meaning of reconfiguration in various spheres of society: the representation spaces; in the way the collective relates within the cities; labor relations. Citizenship worked in the context of networks and in a culture increasingly mediated by virtual relationships brings a new kind of analytical framework giving us clues that citizenship is reconfiguring its bases leading to perceptions of a new social protagonist. Production of citizenship in the age of networks works under the sign of collaborative logic, sharing and self-narrative of representation.  These new experiences make us wonder about the meaning of a still training citizenship setting up.

Author Biography

Adriana Pessôa Cunha, Ministério da Fazenda. Rio de Janeiro. Brasil

Mestre em Políticas Públicas pela UERJ; especialista em Administração Pública pela UFF; colaboradora pela ESAF; servidora pública do Ministério da Fazenda; advogada pela UNIRIO; Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Cunha, A. P. (2020). How networks are changing the forms of the collective in cities: Social life collectivized by networks is organized in other ways. Revista Da EMERJ, 24(1), 11–32. Retrieved from

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