ethics, morality, dignity of the personAbstract
This article will analyze the values of ethics and morals vis-à-vis Kant and the debate on moral constructism, a debate that was done in Hans Joás in the work of the sacredness of the human person and in Ronald dworking in the work of justice of hedgehog. To this end, the values of ethical values will be analyzed, from the studies of the philosophy of nature, and questions about religious myths, the search for the virtues of Greek philosophers, the valuation of the sacred of Christian ethics, utilitarian ethics and the the search for maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain, modern anthropocentric ethics and the valuation of man, the ethics of duty and the categorical imperatives of contemporary ethics and the crisis of traditional values, all conceptions of ethics served to value today's society . Moral values, derived from the historical conceptions of the genealogy of morals, with Constructivism, the analysis of nature and the achievements of a life in society resulted in the valuation not only with the cause and effect of the procedures, but also with the ethical values and its practice in today's society and future generations. In the preparation of this study, the hypothetical-deductive method was adopted, based on bibliographic research in books and scientific articles, which were accessed on various portals on the internet of scientific journals and libraries.
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