
  • Fábio Nunes de Martino Justiça Federal do Paraná, Brasil


excess of demands, judicial power, judge, judicial assistant, principal agent theory


The excess of judicial demands made the Brazilian Judiciary hire judicial assistants as one of the strategies to deal with such a large workload. Assistants assist in important stages of the decision -making process, and, in the United States the principal agent theory is used to justify the relationship between US Supreme Court judges and their assistants. In view of the peculiarities of the Brazilian judicial Direito em Movimento, Rio de Janeiro, v. 19 - n. 2, p. 100-129, 2º sem. 2021 101 ARTIGOS system, the article proposes a critical analysis about the pertinence or not of the use of that theory to justify the relationship of the judges with their assistants in Brazil.

Author Biography

Fábio Nunes de Martino, Justiça Federal do Paraná, Brasil

Mestre em Justiça Administrativa pela Universidade Federal Fluminense e mestrando em Direito Processual pela Universidade de São Paulo. Juiz Federal - Seção Judiciária do Paraná.


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How to Cite

de Martino, F. N. (2021). A TEORIA DO AGENTE PRINCIPAL E A RELAÇÃO ENTRE O JUIZ E SEUS ASSISTENTES NO SISTEMA JUDICIAL BRASILEIRO. Direito Em Movimento, 19(2), 100–129. Retrieved from https://ojs.emerj.com.br/index.php/direitoemmovimento/article/view/383

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