
  • João Marcos Castello Branco Fantinato Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - TJRJ


history of christianity, heresies of the holy trinity, arianism, ecumenical councils


When the Roman Empire became Christian, christianity had to face deep dissentsin its theology, namely about the Holy Trinity. As of 318, Arius has conceived the Son as beeing created by the Father and, therefore, subordinate to Him. Such a conception, however, decreased Its divinity and, thus, was considered an heresy, provoking a strong resistence whithin the Church. In order to solve the problem, Constantine summoned up the first ecumenical council of History, in Nicaea, 325, which decided that the Son was ‘consubstantial‘ to the Father. Nevertheless, the unity of the Church and of the Empire were not granted. Arianism has survived among the germanic peoples that invaded the Empire thereafter and, in the East, new controversies about the human and divine natures of the Son soon arose. But the Aryan heresy has helped the Church to better define the Christian theology, avoiding contradictory ideas.

Author Biography

João Marcos Castello Branco Fantinato, Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - TJRJ

Juiz de Direito do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Mestre e Doutorando em História do Direito pela Universidade de Lisboa.


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How to Cite

Fantinato, J. M. C. B. (2019). A HERESIA ARIANA. Direito Em Movimento, 18(1), 111–128. Retrieved from https://ojs.emerj.com.br/index.php/direitoemmovimento/article/view/147

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