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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The registration of all authors involved was duly completed with as much information as possible.
  • The articles must be presented electronically and be compatible with Word for Windows.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submitted text does not contain identification of the authors.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors.
  • Confirm whether the manuscript was authored by the author(s) and not generated by an Artificial Intelligence tool. If any of these tools were used to develop or generate any part of the article, it should be clearly indicated in the 'Comments to the editor'.
  • The 'ORCID iD' field of my profile has been filled in correctly.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Download the article template here.

1. Article Submission

Article propositions for publishing on the Revista da EMERJ must be sent through the electronic submission system (free of cost), on this link. Propositions sent by e-mail will not be accepted. The Journal has the right to accept or reject any originals received, according to its Editorial Board’s recommendations, including the inadequacy of the article's theme to the journal's editorial profile, as well as the right to propose modifications.

2. Author Qualification

At least one of the authors of the article must be a PhD or a Master of Science. Articles by master's or lato sensu graduate students may be accepted if they are under the guidance of a PhD professor, who must participate as co-author of the article.

3. Originality and exclusivity

Articles for publication in the Revista da EMERJ must be unpublished and for exclusive publication. Once published in this journal, they may also be published in books and collections, as long as the original publication is cited. Simultaneous or subsequent publication in other journals is prohibited. Article proposals cannot be submitted simultaneously to the analysis of other journals.

4. Languages

Articles can be submitted in English, Portuguese or Spanish.

5. Registration of the metadata in the electronic submission system

At the time of submission of the article to the electronic system, the metadata fields must be filled in according to these guidelines, under penalty of preliminary rejection of the submission.

 a) Authors

  • First name/Middle name/Last name: indication of the full name of the author(s) with only the initials of each name in capital letter. In case of articles in co-authorship, the names of all coauthors must be inserted in the system in the order that should appear at the time of publication. Maximum of 3 authors per article.
  • E-mail: indication of the e-mail address of the author(s) for contact, which will mandatorily appear in the published version of the article.
  • ORCID iD: indication of the number of the author’s ORCID identifier (for further information click here). The ORCID identifier can be obtained in ORCID register. Authors must have to accept the patterns for presentation of ORCID iD and include the full URL (e.g.:
  • URL: link to the author's full curriculum. In the case of Brazilian authors, the link to the Lattes Curriculum should be indicated.
  • Affiliation: indication of the author’s main institutional affiliation (or two main affiliations if both of the links with them have the same importance). The main institution is where the author is professor or student, or, in case of not being professor or student anymore, the institution where the authors obtained their major academic title (PhD, J.S.D., LL.M, B.A., etc.). The institution’s name must be written in full (not abbreviated) and in the original language of the institution (or in English for non-Latin languages), followed by an indication of the country of origin of the institution between parentheses. If the author is a professor and also a PhD, J.S.D or LL.M candidate in another institution, the main affiliation will be the institution where the author is candidate.
  • Country: indication of the country of the author's main institutional affiliation.
  • Bio Statement: indication of the author’s abbreviated CV, which must contain the academic titles, starting with the highest, the role it plays in the institution of affiliation and the ORCID.

 b) Title and Abstract:

  • Title: title in the language of the article, with all sentence in capital letter.
  • Abstract: abstract in the language of the article, without paragraphs or citations and references, from 100 to 250 words.

 c) Indexing:

  • Keywords: indication of 3-5 keywords in the language of the article (in lower case and separated by semicolons).
  • Language: indicate the acronym corresponding to the language of the article.

 d) Supporting Agencies:

Articles resulting from funded research projects should indicate in this field the source of funding.

 d) References:

Insert the complete list of references cited in the article, with a space of one line between them. It should be noted that references must follow Brazilian technical standards (ABNT NBR 6023:2018).

6. Text Presentation and pre-textual elements

a) The article must have between 15 and 30 pages (size A4 - 21 cm × 29,7 cm), including introduction, development and conclusion (not necessarily with these titles) and a bibliographic reference list. 

b) Edges (margins) must be: top and left with 3 cm, bottom and right with 2 cm.

c) The text must use Font Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5, and spacing 0 pt before and after paragraphs.

d) References must use Font Times New Roman, size 10, simple space between lines.

e) In the development of the text, the paragraphs must contain decrease of 1.5 cm from the left margin. Titles and subtitles must be aligned with the left margin without decrease.

f) The article title and subtitle (if any) must be separated by a colon. The title in the language of the article must be centralized, in capital letters and bold, font size 14. Just below the title in the language of the text, the title in another language must be included, capitalized only in the initial letter and in the nouns own, without bold and in italics, font size 14.

g) In case of indicating information related to the article (financing from sponsoring agencies, acknowledgments, translators, etc.), it is necessary to insert a footnote with an asterisk (not number) on the right side of the title in the article’s language.

h) The article must not include the names of the author(s). The information for publication purposes will be taken from the metadata entered by the author(s) in the journal’s electronic system at the time of submission.

i) The abstract in the language of the article must be composed of a sequence of concise sentences in a single paragraph, without enumeration of topics and simple line spacing. As for the length, it should be between 100 and 250 words.

j) The keywords, a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5, should appear just below the abstract, preceded by the expression 'Keywords:' followed by a colon. The words should be written with lowercase initials, except for proper nouns and scientific names, separated by semicolons, and concluded with a period.

k) The abstract in another language must be presented in Times New Roman 12 font, single line spacing, without paragraph or citations and references, between 100 and 250 words, preceded by the word “Abstract”, “Résumé”, “Resumen”, according to the chosen language. In the case of articles written in a foreign language, this element must be replaced by the abstract in Portuguese.

l) The keywords in another language, a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5, must appear just below the abstract in a foreign language, preceded by the expression “Keywords”, “Mots-Clés”, “Palabras clave” etc., depending on the chosen language , followed by a colon. The words must be separated from each other by a semicolon and ended by a period.

m) The titles of the primary sections must be in capital letters, aligned to the left margin, without indentation and in bold. The titles of the secondary sections must be aligned to the left margin, without indentation and in bold, with only the initial letter in capital letters (with the exception of proper names).
OBS. The introduction, conclusion and references follow the presentation of the titles of the primary sections, but they should not be numbered.

n) Foreign words must be written in italics. For emphasis or emphasis, use bold.

o) Illustrations of any kind (drawings, diagrams, flowcharts, photographs, graphics, maps, organizational charts, plans, tables, portraits and others) must be inserted in the text, and not at the end of the document in the form of attachments. In addition, they must present their identification and source at the bottom.

p) For other aspects, the Brazilian technical standards apply (ABNT NBR 14724:2011; NBR 6022: 2018; NBR 6024:2003; NBR 6028:2021).

7. Quotations and references

a) Citations and references must follow Brazilian technical standards (ABNT 10520: 2023 and ABNT 6023:18).

b) Direct quote: Up to three lines: must be enclosed within double quotation (“ “) marks in the body of the text. The single quotation marks (‘ ‘) are used only to indicate a quote within the quote. More than three lines: must have a 4 cm indentation from the left margin, smaller font than text (size 10 font), must be single spaced and without quotation marks. At the end of the quote, the submitter must include in parenthesis: the last name of the author of the quote in capital letters, year of the work and page number. The quotations (words, expressions, sentences) must be carefully reviewed by the authors and/or translators.

c) Citations should be indicated in the text using the author-date call system. In this system, the indication of the source is made by the surname of each author followed by the year of publication of the document and the page of the citation, in the case of direct citation, separated by a comma and between parentheses. The use of the expressions idem, ibidem, opus citatum and their respective abbreviations is prohibited.

d) Only the references of works mentioned in the article should be presented, in alphabetical order by author's last name, single spaced, without indentation, fully justified text alignment, with a single space between each reference, preceded by the title 'REFERENCES', centered, in bold and with size 12 font.

8. Composition

The texts must be revised, in addition to having their language suitable for a scientific editorial publication.

9. Articles resulted from funded researches

Articles resulted from funded research projects shall indicate in a footnote, located at the end of the article title in the original language, the information related to the research financing.

10. Authors responsibilities

a) Authors are responsible for the published content, committing therefore to participate actively in the discussion of the results of their scientific research, as well as the review process and approval of the final version of the work.

b) Authors are responsible for the conducting all of the scientific research, as well as its results and validity.

c) Authors should report the Journal about any conflict of interest.

d) Authors are fully and exclusively responsible for the opinions expressed in their articles.

e) When submitting the articles, authors recognize that all statements contained in the manuscript are true or based on research with reasonable accuracy.

11. Conflict of interest

The public confidence in the double-anonymous peer review process and the credibility of published articles depend in part on how conflicts of interest are managed during manuscript writing, peer review and decision making by the editors.

a) It is mandatory that the author of the manuscript declares the existence or not of conflicts of interest.

b) Conflicts of interest may appear when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that, apparently or not, may influence the development or evaluation of manuscripts.

c) When authors submit a manuscript, they are responsible for recognizing and revealing financial or other nature conflicts that may have influenced their work.

d) Authors must recognize all the financial support for the work and other financial or personal connections related to the research. The contributions of people who are mentioned in the acknowledgments for their assistance in the research must be described, and its consent to publication should be documented.

e) Manuscripts will not be simply dismissed because of a conflict of interest. A statement that there is or not a conflict of interest has to be made.

f) The ad hoc reviewers must also reveal to editors any conflicts of interest that could influence their opinions about the manuscript, and must declare themselves unqualified to review specific documents if they believe that this procedure is appropriate. In the case of the authors, if there is silence from the peer reviewers about potential conflicts, it will mean that conflicts do not exist.

g) If a conflict of interest on the part of the peer reviewers is identified, the Editorial Board will send the manuscript to another ad hoc reviewer.

h) If the authors are not sure about what might constitute a potential conflict of interest, they should contact the Journal’s Editor-in-Chief.

i) In cases in which members of the Editorial Team or some other member publish frequently in the Journal, it will not be given any special or different treatment. All submitted papers will be evaluated by double anonymous peer review.

12. Evaluation process

The evaluation process is carried out in two stages. The first concerns the relevant opinion (desk review) and the second the Ad hoc evaluation.

The Revista da EMERJ counts on the collaboration of external evaluators from other institutions or countries. 

After submission, all articles undergo the first evaluation in which the scope is verified, the basic requirements are presented in the form informed in the guidelines for authors, originality and the verification of plagiarism, through the Plagius system. This screening and forwarding to ad hoc reviewers is performed by the editor responsible for the editorial process of each submission. For this first stage, an average time of 15 days is estimated.

In the second stage, the evaluation of the articles is carried out anonymously, where neither the reviewers nor the authors will be recognized among themselves. At this stage, the following criteria are observed in the articles:

  • relevance of the topic;
  • quality of the methodology used,
  • text clarity;
  • adaptation to the editorial norms of the Journal.

For this second stage, the average time is 1-4 months. The opinions of articles submitted in English/Spanish will be formulated in the language of the text or in Portuguese. The manuscript is reviewed by two or more experts on the topic in question. If the manuscript is approved by one reviewer and rejected by the other, it will be up to a third reviewer to decide whether to approve or reject it. The section editor may request further revisions to break the tie or request a mining vote from a member of the Editorial Board.


In the first stage of the evaluation there are three possible outcomes:

  • Rejected. The rejection suggested by the evaluators will be based on the previous analysis, adequacy to the norms, adherence to the editorial line of the journal, among others. In case of rejection, the article will not be published, only in the case of adaptation to the format, the article can be adjusted and sent to the second phase.
  • New submission. Manuscripts that fit the scope of the journal but need major revisions in writing and methodology need new rounds of evaluation. In this case it is suggested by the editor to send the manuscript as a New Submission starting the process again.
  • Qualified for second phase. The manuscript remains for double-anonymous peer review.


The articles that go to the second stage can be:

  • Rejected. The rejection suggested by the evaluators will be based on the analysis of the content, focusing on the methodology and validity of the data, and must also consider the originality. The rejection opinion can be presented to the authors, as long as they request it.
  • Directly Approved Accepted.When there are only minor fixes that do not need further rounds of evaluation. Direct approval does not require any content adjustments, the authors are advised of the decision and the article proceeds to the following processes.
  • Accepted with modifications. Articles approved with modifications will be forwarded to the authors with the reviewers' considerations. The journal has no influence on the reviewers' evaluation method, it only guides them on its guiding principles, exposed in the focus, scope and guidelines for authors, which they must respect. After corrections, the author sends the article back to the journal for verification by the editor and reviewers, if the latter so determine. Once approved, it goes to publication.

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to suggest new modifications of form or of a punctual nature in terms of content or grammar, in order to adapt the article to the editorial or graphic profile of the Journal.

13. Manuscript review for publication

a) Articles approved for publication may be revised by the administrative team in order to ensure greater clarity and understanding of the text, without any change in its content.
b) The administrative team reserves the right to suggest specific modifications in terms of form or nature regarding the content or grammar, in order to align the article with the editorial or graphic profile of the Journal.
c) The revised manuscript will be sent by email to the author responsible for its submission.

d) Authors should review the file and return it, also by email, indicating any corrections to be made within a maximum of 72 hours after receiving it. In the event of no response from the author after this period, the administrative team will consider the submitted version as final.

14. Publication agenda

The EMERJ's Journal is currently a periodical in the continuous publication mode, releasing articles in a single annual volume. The Journal accepts articles on a rolling basis.

15. Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses informed in this Journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.


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Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses informed in this Journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.
