Considerations on Federal Court of Justice Theme 1033
Challenges in compliance of judicial decisions in health
healthcare judicialization, collision of constitutional principles, general repercussion, distinguishingAbstract
The present work aims to discuss Theme 1033 of the Federal Supreme Court, judged as a general repercussion, in Extraordinary Appeal 666.094 – Federal District, in which it established criteria for reimbursement of services provided by a private unit in favor of patients in the Unified Health System due to compliance of court order. The challenge consisted of establishing a reasonable and proportional way to reimburse the services provided by the private unit, overcoming the controversy regarding the amount being freely arbitrated by the private hospital versus the value contained in the Unified Health System table. The constitutional density of the issue is refined on the following question: the Federal Constitution allows two types of health services to be carried out by private agents, namely: complementary and supplementary. Therefore, the Federal Supreme Court adopted as a reimbursement criterion the multiplication of the Reimbursement Valuation Index, stipulated at 1.5, by the value of the Unified Health System table. The application of the ipsis litteris thesis, however, can cause serious harm to the service provided to the population in regions with a lack of service providers, and there must be distinguishing according to the specific case. The methodology that will be used in this present work is that of a practical case study in which the distinguishing adopted also in Theme 1033, judged of general repercussion analyzed by the Federal Supreme Court, is used, to be granted in an exceptional way through (judicial injunction) access to healthcare for a patient at imminent risk of loss of human life. The term distinguishing according to legal literature occurs when the Court gives a decision that does not apply to the Court's jurisprudence, due to the fact that the case brought to the court has idiosyncrasies that do not conform to the consolidated jurisprudence, and, therefore, it is exceptional for the decision to be adopted in that specific case.
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