G.D. always felt like E.
the use of social names as an expression of human dignity
transsexuals, gender performance, social nameAbstract
The use of the social name by transsexual individuals is a fact that escapes the sociological studies of gender identity, having relevance in juridical relationships. This article aims to discuss how gender performance with the use of the social name is crucial for the affirmation of the identity and the guarantee of the dignity of the human person to the transsexual individuals. Using as main theoretical basis, Butler (2017) and Preciado (2019), we will analyze the judicial decision rendered by the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro (TJRJ), which granted the right of the individual designated as "GD" to be recognized by the appropriate social name gender identity as "E". The methodology of this research combines theoretical analysis and case study, adopting a solid approach that integrates literature review and case law analysis.
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