Right of access to origins in the context of adoption: A psychological perspective on judicial mediation

Right of access to origins in the context of adoption

A psychological perspective on judicial mediation



adoption, right to origins, judiciary, search for origins, birth family contact


Since 2009, the adoptees’ right to access their origins is assured by law in Brasil.   However,unlike other countries, there have not yet been debates about the scope of this right, which includes the possibility of knowledge and contact with the biological family. In reports of adoptees , the search has been configured as a central and current issue, demanding, therefore, the realization of more studies and reflections on the subject. Due to the relevance of the problem, this article investigates the amplitude of the right to access origins in the context of adoption, focusing on the claims for mediation addressed  to the Justice in procedures referring to the search for origins, in national adoptions. In order to achieve this objective, we present an illustration of a case that took place at one of the Juveniles Courts of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in which the mother sought the Judiciary in order to establish contact with her daughter, who had been voluntarily relinquished 30 years ago. The discussion was based on later interviews carried out with those involved, focusing on the intervention of Justice in the case. We realized that the lack of  specific protocols for situations  like this, almost  prevented the technical intervention that provided contact between families. Finally, we argue the importance of systematizing the procedures to receive  demands of access to origins, whether initiated by the adoptee or by the biological family.

Author Biographies

Patricia Glycerio Rodrigues Pinho, Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Mestre em psicologia clínica pela PUC-RIo (2021). Pós graduação em saúde mental da infância e Adolescência ( IPUB- UFRJ, 1997) e em prevenção ao uso de drogas (UCAM , 2000). Formação em terapia de família ( ITF- RJ 2000-2004). Graduada em Psicologia pela PUC-Rio (1994). Desde fevereiro de 1999, trabalha como psicóloga no Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Tem experiência na área de Psicologia, com ênfase em Psicologia Jurídica . Coordena o grupo de apoio à adoção "Café com Adoção" desde 2002. Capacitada para a realização de depoimento especial de crianças e adolescentes vítimas ou testemunhas de violência, atua como entrevistadora do NUDECA desde 2012. Instrutora da Escola de Administração Judiciaria (ESAJ- RJ).

Rebeca Nonato Machado, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Puc-Rio, Brasil

Doutora em Psicologia Clínica pela PUC-Rio. Pós-Doutorado pela mesma Universidade. Mestre em Psicologia Clínica, PUC-Rio e Especialista em Psicoterapia de Família e Casal. Possui graduação em Psicologia, pela PUC-Rio. Membro Associado da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise do Rio de Janeiro.


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How to Cite

Pinho, P. G. R., & Machado, R. N. (2022). Right of access to origins in the context of adoption: A psychological perspective on judicial mediation. Direito Em Movimento, 20(1), 120–142. Retrieved from https://ojs.emerj.com.br/index.php/direitoemmovimento/article/view/419

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