QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE MILITARY POLICY, BASED ON THE NEEDS THEORY: The quality of life of the military police officer, using Maslow's theory of needs, focusing on sleep, safety of the body and morality


The quality of life of the military police officer, using Maslow's theory of needs, focusing on sleep, safety of the body and morality


  • Carlos Alexandre Camargo da Silva Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF


theory of need, military police, universal declaration of human rights, quality of life


The present research aims to investigate, based on Maslow’s Theory of Needs, the quality of life of the military police, establishing a comparative analysis between the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The main focuses addressed were sleep, body safety and morality. It is an exploratory, descriptive study, using quantitative and qualitative techniques in the approach. At the end, it was possible to know the police service scale, if there is deprivation of rest and if the service scale interferes in the quality of sleep and attention. The issue of Personal Protective Equipment (EPI) was addressed, which was provided to professionals during duty and break times and to what degree the police rely on them. Also, understand how the military police officer believes that the community / society evaluates their work in service.

Author Biography

Carlos Alexandre Camargo da Silva, Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF

Graduado em administração. Especialização em Direito Constitucional e em Políticas Públicas de Justiça Criminal e Segurança Pública. Mestrado em andamento em Antropologia na UFF.


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How to Cite

da Silva, C. A. C. (2018). QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE MILITARY POLICY, BASED ON THE NEEDS THEORY: The quality of life of the military police officer, using Maslow’s theory of needs, focusing on sleep, safety of the body and morality. Direito Em Movimento, 16(2), 41–71. Retrieved from https://ojs.emerj.com.br/index.php/direitoemmovimento/article/view/91

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