The representations of the judiciary regarding the innovare award and the dilemmas of its implementation within the scope of the Judiciary

The representations of the judiciary regarding the innovare award and the dilemmas of its implementation within the scope of the Judiciary


  • Bárbara Gomes Lupetti Baptista Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brasil
  • Gabriel Paz Soares Ribeiro Ministério Público do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil


innovare award, bench, implementation, empirical research


This article aims to present a brief mapping and reflect on the practices awarded by the Innovare Institute, between 2004 and 2020, in the “Judge” category, in order to understand how they occur, what are the dilemmas and obstacles to their dissemination and effective implementation within the Judiciary Branch. As it is known, the Innovare Award aims to identify, publicize and disseminate practices that contribute to the improvement of Justice in Brazil. However, the research hypothesis found odd (and presupposed) the low adherence and the timid dissemination and implementation of the award-winning practices. In order to understand this context, in an incipient and exploratory way, a qualitative empirical research was carried out from December 2020 to March 2021, through online interviews forwarded to and answered by fifty (50) judges from different states of the Federation, not identified here for methodological reasons. The research results show that, although most of the practices awarded by Innovare are simple to execute, their implementation usually takes place through a slow, unpredictable and occasionally non-systematized process, constituting the main obstacles to the effective implementation of practices, both the inefficient dissemination of the theoretical and operational content of the projects, and the absence of institutional support and endorsement from the Courts to the judges who intend to incorporate the logic of innovation and replicate the award-winning practices in their activities.

Author Biographies

Bárbara Gomes Lupetti Baptista, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brasil

Doutorado e Mestrado em Direito pela Universidade Gama Filho. Professora Adjunta da Faculdade de Direito da UFF. Professora Permanente do PPGD/UVA.

Gabriel Paz Soares Ribeiro, Ministério Público do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Assessor Jurídico do Ministério Público do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, na Promotoria de Justiça de Família. Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Federal Fluminense.


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How to Cite

Baptista, B. G. L., & Soares Ribeiro, G. P. (2022). The representations of the judiciary regarding the innovare award and the dilemmas of its implementation within the scope of the Judiciary. Direito Em Movimento, 20(1), 41–69. Retrieved from

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