Krénak Reformatory and Transitional Justice: Reflections of the lawsuit nº 0064483-95.2015.4.01.3800

Krénak Reformatory and Transitional Justice

Reflections of the lawsuit nº 0064483-95.2015.4.01.3800



transitional justice, krenak reformatory, human rights violations, indigenous people's right


It addresses the profile of the state policy applied to indigenous populations, more specifically, during the brazilian military dictatorship, which began in 1964. The article has as its structuring point the reflexes of the sentence rendered in the lawsuit nº 0064483-95.2015.4.01.3800, filed by the federal prosecutors, which placed the transitional justice as the object of the demand, considering the practice of violations of indigenous rights that occurred in the State of Minas Gerais, more precisely in the Krenák Indigenous Agricultural Reformatory and Guarani Farm, located in the state of Minas Gerais. Transitional Justice, can be defined as a set of actions and studies aimed at overcoming moments of conflict and violation of human rights against a particular social group, is based on the promotion of the rights to Memory and Truth. The term is linked to the historical processes of struggle for the transition from dictatorships to democratic regimes and seeks to confront the abuse of the past and serve as support for political transformation, reaffirming respect for human rights.

Author Biography

Marco Aurelio Moura dos Santos, Universidade da São Paulo - Usp, Butanta, Brasil

Doutor em Direito Internacional e Comparado – USP/SP. Mestre em Direito da Sociedade da Informação – FMU/SP. Especialista em Direito Público – EPM/TJSP. Professor de Direito. Pesquisador do GEPIM – Grupo de Estudos sobre a Proteção Internacional das Minorias da Universidade de São Paulo/USP.


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How to Cite

dos Santos, M. A. M. (2022). Krénak Reformatory and Transitional Justice: Reflections of the lawsuit nº 0064483-95.2015.4.01.3800. Direito Em Movimento, 20(2), 196–213. Retrieved from