The execution of the non-criminal prosecution agreement (ANPP) and its controversies: The issue of jurisdictions of courts (VEP or court of origin)

The execution of the non-criminal prosecution agreement (ANPP) and its controversies

The issue of jurisdictions of courts (VEP or court of origin)


  • Roberta Barroiun Carvalho de Souza Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro. Brasil


controversies, non criminal prosecution, execution


Law No. 13,964/2019, also known as the “Anti-Crime Package”, introduced the non-criminal prosecution agreement (ANPP) into criminal legislation in the wake of the expansion of Consensual Justice in Brazil, which originated in the 1988 Constitution, when it provided for the general lines for the civil composition.

From this milestone until today, there have been several institutes aimed at strengthening consensual justice which, in the context of criminal justice, ultimately aims to reduce prison overcrowding.

Author Biography

Roberta Barroiun Carvalho de Souza, Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro. Brasil

Juíza da VEP e da VEPEMA. Integrante do Centro de Estudos e Debates - CEDES.


CABRAL, R. L. Manual do acordo de não persecução penal. Salvador: JusPodivm, 2020.

CUNHA, R. S. Pacote Anticrime – Lei 13.964/2019: Comentários às Alterações no CP, CPP e LEP. Salvador: JusPodivm, 2020.

LIMA, R. B. Pacote Anticrime: Comentários à Lei nº 13.964/19. Salvador: JusPodivm, 2019.

TAVARES, L R: ANPP (acordo de não persecução penal) – competência para extinção da punibilidade e rescisão. In: competencia-para-extincao-da-punibilidade-e-rescisao/ (consultado em: 29/11/2021)



How to Cite

de Souza, R. B. C. (2023). The execution of the non-criminal prosecution agreement (ANPP) and its controversies: The issue of jurisdictions of courts (VEP or court of origin). Revista Da EMERJ, 24(1), 190–201. Retrieved from