
  • Inajara Piedade da Silva Universidade Autônoma de Lisboa - Portugal
  • João Welligton Figueredo de Assis Universidade Autônoma de Lisboa - Portugal


otherness, corruption, human rights, education, emmanuel levinas


The present paper seeks to answer about the inevitability of corruption in human behavior. It would be corruption generated by the external environment? And in this case is it possible to say, as John Locke, that the man is born empty? Or is corruption inherent in human character, which develops it independently of the social environment? How education can help in the process against corruption?  In order to develop this issue, we have chosen to use theoretical research, in an attempt to decipher at what point corruption arises in human character and how human rights can be applied in the educational sphere to fight corruption. It was applied the deductive method using as basis the thought of Emmanuel Levinas, without ceasing to engage in dialog with other national and foreign authors and also with other areas of knowledge.

The study presents evidence, by means of comparative and experiences, that corruption is born with the man, as well as in some other animal species, citing, for example, the case of the green monkeys that emit a cry myself to warn to the group that a predator is approaching. One of these experiments showed that a false alarm was emitted when another monkey found bananas. So the "liar" could move away the competitor to stay with the food.

On the other hand, the research permeates the naturalistic concept by which the human being is attaint and, therefore, product of the social environment. Corruption in modern society has become everyday truth, which makes  more complex the network that involves the human being. The study seeks in authors such as Voltaire, Goethe, Machiavelli, Eckermann, Empedocles, Democritus, Epicurus, Lucretius, Darwin, Provine among others, the arguments of authority to back up the investigation.

In a second moment, based on the perspective of Levinas, it approach education and the encounter with human rights, bringing the form to expose the knowledge by a pedagogy of otherness, own of Emmanuel Levinas. Thus, from the encounter between different (and not between indifferent), the quality of education comes out. And with the knowledge incorporated through education raise a more humanized society.

The study concludes by demonstrating, as a result, that  a standardized vision of the problem is unfit for mankind. This requires an individualized look and a multidisciplinary approach to guide solutions in the fight against corruption, which necessarily goes through the path of education.

Author Biographies

Inajara Piedade da Silva, Universidade Autônoma de Lisboa - Portugal

Doutoranda pela Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa - Portugal. Professora do Campus Porto Alegre do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul.

João Welligton Figueredo de Assis, Universidade Autônoma de Lisboa - Portugal

Doutorando em Relações Internacionais: Geopolítica e Geoeconomia pela Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa - Portugal. Mestre em Direito pela Universidade Iguaçu. Mestre em Ciências Militares pela Escola de Aperfeiçoamento de Oficiais do Exército Brasileiro. Especialista em Direito Civil e Processo Civil pela Universidade Gama Filho.


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How to Cite

da Silva, I. P., & Assis, J. W. F. de. (2017). A CORRUPÇÃO VIOLADORA DOS DIREITOS HUMANOS: EDUCAÇÃO E PREVENÇÃO COM BASE EM EMMANUEL LEVINAS. Revista Da EMERJ, 22(3), 134–148. Retrieved from https://ojs.emerj.com.br/index.php/revistadaemerj/article/view/30

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